Working Hypothesis for Curing Gout

If Gout is a function of high Serum Uric Acid (SUA), and high SUA is a function of dietary purines (↑) + daily protein turnover in the body (↑↑) – purines excreted from the body (↓ to ↓↓), then we need to improve the body’s ability to excrete excess purines.

If metabolic syndrome impairs the ability of the body to effectively process and excrete excess purines then we need to target metabolic syndrome.

The big lever to pull is elimination of highly processed carbohydrates, sugar, and foods like so-called healthy grains, juices, really anything in a box or can. Oh and, sorry, alcohol.

The second big lever to pull is increasing skeletal muscle by modest resistance training (3 times a week for 15 minutes each session).

An approach to diet and lifestyle that significantly improves metabolism and skeletal muscle can cure metabolic syndrome driven gout*.

by Me (unless you can offer a better hypothesis).

Get Started Curing Your Gout Today

The Approach to Curing Gout
Step 1 – Fix your Diet – Proposed Approach to a Diet Makeover
Step 2 – Incorporate Strength Training – Proposed Roadmap to Start Strength Training

My Hypothesis Assumptions:

  • * I acknowledge there may be genetic conditions or other factors at play for some people, where metabolic syndrome is not causative. However, I’d strongly suggest you (and/or your doctor) not assume you are metabolically healthy. You may well be a TOFI (thin on the outside fat on the inside). Get a body composition scan and evaluate against markers for metabolic syndrome — don’t assume.
  • Sure, fructose could be the big driver for impaired purine excretion, but 88% of the population has a screwed up metabolism and is on a progression to fully diagnosed diabetes. Might want to just assume you are too.
  • Yes, you can manage symptoms with drugs and go on living how you want. But your odds of chronic disease, more medications, and medications to treat the symptoms from those other medications go up. It would really suck to continue that progression.
  • Vegetable oils are poison. They were industrial lubricants until the early/mid 1900’s when industry and the government decided it was okay to provide calories to a population in a form devoid of nutrition. We’ve been chasing ever cheaper food since and the only way to make that is with more nutritionally devoid garbage. The center of the grocery store is killing you! Put another way the vast majority of us are over fed and under nourished.
  • Processed carbohydrates are the same as sugar. They cause your blood sugar to spike. If you have them 3-5 times a day your insulin is always elevated. No matter how many calories you cut you will never burn your fat. You probably will loose weight from muscle and bone density loss. Say hello to assisted living.